q' Welcome to the second issue of Amy'PD and Shareware Review. I had hoped'to get this issue out sometime in March'and as I write there are still a few'days left in the month but as the front'page hasn't yet been produced this is'going to be the April issue - with no'March edition produced this year.'Hopefully from now on the magazine will'come out on the 1st (or there abouts)'of each month. I now have a feel for'how long it takes to produce and once a
month seems a possibility.' First up I hope you all have'recovered from Commodore's crack'marketing team cashing in on Commodore'Explorer's (or whatever it's called)'lead in the Jules Verne round the world'race by blitzing us with a multi-media'advertising campaign the likes of which'the world has never seen before.'Almost as good as Sega's ray-traced'extravaganza which I glimpsed on the'telly this Saturday morning. Wish I'could do that on an Amiga but I guess'I'll have to get a Master System
instead.' There's two versions of issue one of'the magazine floating around now. In'the rush to get it out I forgot to'include the Arp library and to mention'that
meg. users would miss out on the'music. The Arp library is useful for'1.3 Workbench users as it gives them a'decent requester when saving screens or'text from the magazine. Any'Subscribers who would like a copy of version 1.1 just send in a disk.' Subscribers will also be getting an'extra disk with the magazine from now'on. This will contain mostly PD plus'my library catalogue to allow you to'obtain most of the software I review in'the magazine. No price rise for this
either.' I've managed to get 84 pages of'reviews onto this disk, up from 57 in'the first one. Some of them are a bit'more up to date than in the last issue'but they still need to be a more recent'and I'll try to get my hands on the
latest stuff for future issues.' Sort of featured this issue is the'group LSD with a review and comments on'their magazine and a couple of their'music disks also reviewed. And as'promised last month there's the review'of Tobias Richter's Video plus one of'his slideshows. And make sure you'check out the review of The Talisman$adventure game as well - it's great.' Sorry the music's taken from Amazing'Tunes II again. I've reviewed three'other music disks this issue but I'either couldn't rip out the tracks I'wanted successfully or they proved to
be too large to include.' I believe the new AGA machines can't'display the usual Amiga HAM pictures of'the type I use on the magazine's cover'though I may be wrong about this. I'did consider using 32 colour pictures'but have decided to stick with HAM'until I get an AGA machine. I will'then produce new versions of all'previous issues and update all the'reviews after checking their'compatibility with AGA. This seems to be the best solution at present.' I mention in the Space Wars review'that as I am a Turbo Silver owner I'have received in the past but not'recently a newsletter from Impulse Inc.'Well since writing the review I have'received the latest one. (If you think'I ramble you should see some of their'stuff! Seriously absurd indeed!)'Imagine 2.0 is now out on the PC with'version 3 (for the Amiga first one'assumes) promised tentatively for a'March 93 date so it may be available by
now.' They are also planning a box for any'computer called The Dream Machine to do'digital video editing on a minimum of'30 seconds at a time. Price - under'$3000 USA. Shipping - this month! -'perhaps. All that and it will even'output in PAL. One US company at least'knows there's such a thing as the rest
of the world.' Thanks to those of you who have'written in with criticisms and comments'about the magazine. More please as I'haven't had enough feedback yet to know'if the magazine as it is now presented